Friday, February 6, 2009

Dr. LaFayette review, and a Poll!

First a poll on the WRC (Women's Resource Center) that was in today's Wildcat!

Would you support a student fee to pay for a full time WRC faculty director?

There are a few problems with this question though, and that's the fact that it is a bit misleading. The WRC is petitioning the Fee Allocation Board for the funds for a new director. That is the board that disperses the student fee that is paid at the beginning of each semester. A new fee wouldn't need to be assessed. Also the poll doesn't say what the WRC stands for, and often the Women's Resource Center is referred to by its full name.

That aside, there was a rather delightful article in the paper about the Dr. LaFayette conference that the Women's Resource Center co-sponsored to have on the University of Arizona campus!

"Activist discusses pacifism"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doing great job.
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