Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Educating Through Film

The Women's Resource Center's documentary film series was highlighted last week as part of the educational programming that is offered for free in collaboration with Gallagher Theater.

The article touches on the amount of programming that is now available from such collaborations.

Please take a look at the full article:

"Gallagher seeks to teach, entertain with films"

For a full list of the upcoming Women's Resource Center films please check-out the WRC website!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Audacity of Feminism Conference!

Hello all!

The Women's Resource Center brings you another wonderful opportunity to gather with your feminist peers by bringing you "The Audacity of Feminism Conference"!

"The Audacity of Feminism"
Arizona NOW State Conference

March 6 & 7, 2009
University of Arizona

Welcome Reception
Date: Friday, March 6, 2009
Time: 6-8pm
Location: Women's Plaza of Honor, University of Arizona

At this meet-and-greet social, Kim Gandy will offer the conference's opening
words, Leila Lopez will provide music, and appetizers and refreshments will be

Arizona NOW Conference
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time: 8am-5pm
Location: Women's Studies Building, 925 N. Tyndall Ave

This year's conference will address a variety of contemporary feminist concerns
including: Border Issues, Poverty and Homelessness, Women and Disability,
Lesbian/LBTQ Rights, Campus Activism, the Future of Reproductive Rights in
Arizona, Women in Prisons, 3rd Wave Feminism and National NOW Perspectives.
Lunch will be held at the Arizona Historical Society with a keynote address by
Kim Gandy, National NOW President.

Cost is: $50 for community members, $25 for students and low-income individuals. Scholarships are available and no one will be turned away because of an inability to cover these costs.

For more information and to register, please contact: Paula Bachman-Williams at
bachmanwms@gmail.com or at 247-7377.

Hosted by the University of Arizona Women's Resource Center and the Tucson
Chapter of the National Organization for Women.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fighting Back On The UA

The Wildcat had another article today that showcased the women's resource center's collaboration with R.A.D. for Self Defense Classes!!!

The next classes will be taking place on February 21 and 22 from 10am to 5pm. 

A $20 deposit, which is refundable upon completion, is required. If you are interested please contact the Women's Resource Center:


Please also check out the article:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dr. LaFayette review, and a Poll!

First a poll on the WRC (Women's Resource Center) that was in today's Wildcat!

Would you support a student fee to pay for a full time WRC faculty director?

There are a few problems with this question though, and that's the fact that it is a bit misleading. The WRC is petitioning the Fee Allocation Board for the funds for a new director. That is the board that disperses the student fee that is paid at the beginning of each semester. A new fee wouldn't need to be assessed. Also the poll doesn't say what the WRC stands for, and often the Women's Resource Center is referred to by its full name.

That aside, there was a rather delightful article in the paper about the Dr. LaFayette conference that the Women's Resource Center co-sponsored to have on the University of Arizona campus!

"Activist discusses pacifism"

Thursday, February 5, 2009

More Press for the Director Campaign!!!

The WRC is back in the news today with an article about the Director Campaign, brought about by the demonstration on the University Mall yesterday by the "Justice For All" pro-life group.

Please Check out the article and leave your thoughts:

"Women's Resource Center seeks funding, director"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

SECS Day: Condoms 101!!!!

Ever wondered about the myths and the facts regarding sexual health? Do you LOVE SEX but want to avoid being a negative statistic? Curious about the different kinds of protection available?

If you answered yes, then you need SexEd, College Style (SECS) Day: Condoms 101!

From Lambskin to Latex, the Women's Resource Center will discuss all types for SECS Day: Condoms 101! The Women's Resource Center's Health and Sexuality Interns will provide their fantastic, comprehensive sexual health programming to participants in SECS Day. The best part about the Women's Resource Center's Sex Ed: It's FOR college students, BY college students!

The Sex Ed College Style training will address: education on the sexual spectrum, consent and sexual responsibility, how to properly use a fe/male condom and dental dam, an in-depth look at male and female condom brands, types and styles. and how to reduce your risks of getting or passing on an STI.

Even if you already know the facts, please come and receive FREE food, FREE condoms, FREE lubricant, FREE education and a question and answer session!

SECS day is FREE and open to everyone.

DATE: Thursday, February 12

TIME: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

LOCATION: Tucson Room, Student Union Memorial Center

Whether you want to learn what it takes to be a sex educator or learn what you didn't learn in high school, come join us on SECS Day: Condoms 101!

For more information please contact the Women's Resource Center's Health & Sexuality Intern: Padilla at alydilla@email.arizona.edu or by phone (520) 390-5565 or call the WRC office at 621-3919

For more information on our FREE: Film Series, Self Defense Classes, SexEd College Style or Safewalk program please go to our website at http://wrc.asua.arizona.edu

More Dr. LaFayette Press!

Please join us today at 7pm for the keynote speech by Dr. LaFayette! It is free and open to the public!

Also please check out the press in the Daily Wildcat today: "Civil Rights activist talk launches months events"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Black History Month Begins Today!!!

The beginning of Black History Month events on campus starts today!!! The Women's Resource Center is very excited for the month and all the opportunities that are available to immerse ourselves in new experiences.

Please come to some of the events and join your fellow UA students in celebrating Black History Month!!

A list of events can be found here: "Black History Month Events Get Kicked Off at the UA"

Dr. Lafayette To Give Keynote Speech!

That's right, Dr. LaFayette will be coming to the University of Arizona campus to be giving a keynote address to kick-off Black History Month.

The address will be just before the Non-Violence Leadership Conference that Dr. LaFayette will be presenting.

The story is in UANews today "Civil Rights Advocate Giving Black History Month Keynote Address"

And also on the front page of the Tucson Weekly "Civil rights pioneer LaFayette to speak at Tucson NAACP event"

For More information about the Non-Violence Leadership Conference, please visit the Women's Resource Center website at wrc.asua.arizona.edu.