Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hi!  My name is Elizabeth Dake and I am a senior at the U of A.  This is my second semester as a WRC intern, and this spring I will serve as the Health & Sexuality Committee chair.  I am a History and Religious Studies double major and have minors in Gender & Women's Studies and Sociology. This semester I am finishing my honors thesis-- Teaching Morality: The Influence of the Religious Right on Sex Education and the Gendered Consequences of Abstinence-Only.

The Health & Sexuality Committee focuses on the Sex Ed, College Style program.  It is a huge privilege to be involved with a program as popular as SECS-- I believe that if our generation is knowledgeable about sexual responsibility, as well as sexual health, then the future of sex education, STI awareness, and the recognition and prevention of sexual assault will look very different.  Through such programs, the mysteries and stigmas surrounding sex, STIs, and sexual assault can be illuminated and undone.  I am looking forward to our upcoming SECS presentations, and am so excited about all the other amazing programs the WRC is offering this semester!